Feel the burn!
Many dieters and bodybuilders rely on popular fat burners and thermogenics to achieve their desired figures, but how many fat burners are actually safe? Next, how many really give results? These are the questions that many newcomers ask when they go into GNC, Vitamin World, and other health retailers. Caffeine is the normal ingredient in almost all fat burners. Pharmaceutical drugs are said to be in a lot of fat burners as well. At the same time a lot of brand fat burners have not been approved by the FDA (The U.S. Food and Drug Administration). This alone can be a scary factor for consumers.
According to Livestrong.com, The top-selling fat burners once contained ephedra, also known as ephedrine or ma huang. This stimulant was successful in burning fat quickly but also had very serious side effects, including being linked to stroke, heart issues, high blood pressure and death. Ephedra was banned in 2004 and dietary supplements containing this stimulant became illegal. Some newer products contain ingredients such as bitter orange or country mallow. According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, these herbs contain chemicals related to those found in ephedra and thus also are potentially dangerous and addicting.
Before using a fat burner it is important to first seek your physician. They can tell you what would be a good choice if any, depending on your medical history. Secondly, do not consume more than what is stated on the package. Thirdly, do not take any fat burner with a combination of other fat burners. This could cause heart problems and even death.
Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/441878-the-negatives-of-fat-burners/#ixzz1sJDKXQQK